10th Grade: H.W.#33, Due Tuesday, 11/1/16

1. Read chapter 6 entitled “Eight Brief Tales of Lovers.”

2. Use post-it notes to keep track of the eight tales and take notes that will help you keep track of the stories and characters.

3. Update your Who’s Who list.

Extra Credit (up to 10 points on another future quiz): Copy out the name of each lover (in pairs as given in the headings) and create an image that best captures the essence of their story. This image could be put into words, but you may choose to draw an image, too. Find a way to represent each tale on a single piece of paper so that we may reference your beautiful work and quickly remind ourselves of each tale.  Again, beautifully done pictures will be put on the walls in our classroom and you will be awarded up to 10 bonus points on our next quiz. It would be helpful and preferred that you have these illustrations for class tomorrow, but if your creative process requires an extra day, I will accept your extra credit in class on Wednesday, 11/2.

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This blog is dedicated to announcements of various kinds to Dr. Mandler's sophomore and senior English students at Stuyvesant High School.
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