10th Grade: H.W.#4, Due Wednesday, 9/30 or Thursday, 10/1

  1. Read Oedipus the King UP TO LINE 1182. It’s a much longer chunk than before, so budget your time accordingly.
  2. In writing: focus on one specific passage from which you can learn how Oedipus interacts with his wife, Jocasta, or his brother-in-law, Creon and annotate it, using two or three post-its with your reactions spelled out on them. In addition, write a few post-it notes on intensely emotional moments that allow for you to contemplate or think deeply about such issues as free will vs. fate, individual responsibility, or anything else. In these notes, you should reflect upon, connect, question, and/or analyze something in the lines you selected. You will share these thoughts in class.
  3. If you have not signed up at http://www.vocabulary.com, do so. It will enable you to do online quizzes and practice the words in depth.
  4. Go to https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/1220602 and begin to memorize the following words: 1. Zeal (n.) 2. Spurn (v.) 3. Primed (v.) 4. Luxuriate (v.) 5. Revile (v.) 6. Mantic (adj.) 7. Brunt (n.) 8. Cortege (n.) 9. Rout (v.) 10. Suborn (v.). Do the practice session of the words you are learning. You should know the meaning of these words by 10/5, Monday. If putting words on index cards (with the word on one side and its definition on the other side) works for you as a method to memorize the words, please begin doing it. All of you should have a hard copy of the list of words with their definitions, though, that will allow for you to know which words you need to know by what date.

Here’s a production of the play. It’s in a different translation. It may help you appreciate the drama itself.

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This blog is dedicated to announcements of various kinds to Dr. Mandler's sophomore and senior English students at Stuyvesant High School.
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